Friday, April 29, 2011


"yashmak" - a veil concealing the face except for the eyes, worn in public by Muslim women in certain countries.

Yesterday I posted on the topic of xenodocheionology. I'd like to share with you what I consider the best hotel website I've come across, but probably one of the most unaffordable too! Take some time to check it out though. If you have xenodocheionology, you'll be tantalised by this!


Yes, that's yoghurt with an 'h'! Since I had an upset stomach from a fatty, oily nasi lemak, I've stopped eating Malay food and secondly, I've started onto yoghurts. I love these ones, they are soothing to my tummy:

I particularly crave the mango, kiwi, peach, tropical fruits and strawberry flavours. Yes, that's flavour spelt with a 'u'!

What's your favourite yoghurt?


  1. mango and peach are winning flavours.

    That hotel in Turkey is amazing. So plush.

  2. Do you still stir them before you eat them?

  3. My favorite yogHurt is the one I am eating at the Mardan Palace.

  4. Lynda, you're right!

    Mum, yes I give them a good stir!

    Missed Periods, nice one!


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!


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