Tuesday, April 3, 2012

"C" post - Crazy correlation of challenge comments!

A-Z April Blogging Challenge 2012. A 26-word paragraph, each word beginning with a letter of the alphabet, in alphabetical order, beginning with the assigned letter for the day. A video composed of a sentence where each word begins with the assigned letter of the day. This is *Our home called Kuantan* stretching the alphabet in April . . .

Creeping deftly, every feeling generated huge impulses jolting, kicking, like major nuclear outpourings. Prancing quietly round, she tied up Victor while x-raying yesterday's zoo animal biopsy.


  1. Just commentedon your "B" post and again I'm amazed at your skill! Well done, again!


  2. Wow! What a great approach to the challenge. Love your accent in the video too.

    Catch My Words

  3. Thanks for coming by my page today. I know you saw my regular weekly post but I hope you saw my A-Z challege posts too.

    Your daughter is too cute holding the letters for each day...love that!

    ALso, I think you writing is fun and unique. I will be back and I am following you.

    Peace...Naila Moon


  4. A bit of a mouthful there honey on your 'C' video... LOL

  5. I love your videos, can't wait to see more :) Great idea for the challenge - I will try to stop by while blog-hopping!

    English Speaking Zone

  6. Love the video LOL. And did I mention you have the cutest daughter?

    --Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2012

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  7. Nice way to combine all the C word comments you received. Good luck for the rest of the challenge.

  8. Wow... That's a lot more work than I'm doing. I am impressed!

    Congrats for stretching the challenge further than most, and then fulfilling it!


  9. Wow. This is HARD. Consider me impressed. Happy challenge!

  10. These videos are precious Duncan. I am quite impressed by all that had to go into preparing these challenges.

  11. Damn I'm impressed !! That was quite the mouthful ! and your daughter is too cute holding up the signs for you !

  12. What a tongue-twisting post. Nice idea!
    @Dusty It is an original one alright. ***New Follower***
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins
    Film Sketchr

  13. Ingenious stuff - you've put a lot of work into this!

    Simon Kewin - Spellmaking

  14. This is so unique! I loved going through and listening to your alphabetical creations - you can bet I'll be back.

    - T'Laina

  15. These are fun great job with this I like the theme!

  16. It looks like your daughter is also enjoying the challenge Duncan.

  17. I am impressed with your capability.

  18. Another home run today!


    BTW I have a son named Duncan.

  19. I love alliteration, so I'm really digging the videos!

    And it's funny that we both have photos of our kids holding our letters of the day, although in my case my "kids" have four legs and fur. :-)


  20. Wow! Talk about a challenge! This is taking it to the next level. I'll be back to check how you manage. So far not only I love it, I'm amazed at your capacity. Best of luck!

    From Diary of Writer in Progress.

  21. This is very interesting Duncan; You should save all 26 pictures of Leah as well.

  22. Great "C" video...I'm enjoying how you string together words with the letter of the day. Good job!

    Jenny @ Pearson Report
    Co-Host of the Blogging from A to Z Challenge.

  23. Once again, thanks so much for all of the comments. I'm trying to get around to visiting each one of you back. I must admit I spent quite some painful hours putting all these paragraphs together, but it was all worth it!


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!


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