Monday, January 10, 2011

Trees In Kuantan - 6-part series begins tomorrow

My "Trees In Kuantan" project has been in the making for the past four years. Finally it is ready to publish. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen - they truly are a life-giving force. They are grand and spectacular. Their wood is used for our comfort - tables, chairs, beds, desks, bookshelves, cabinets. But wood always looks best in its natural form - a tree. For four years I have been collecting images of these remarkable creations, standing in awe at their beauty and vitality. Beginning tomorrow I'll take you through the many trees in Kuantan, showing you their trunks, branches, leaves, and flowers, standing alone and rising high collectively.


  1. Hi Duncan, well here I am. I said I'd visit and what a fascinating world you live in. I've only ever lived in Leicester and what's more I love trees. We have some mature trees in our garden and they are very special to me so I'll be back to see more of your tree project very soon.

  2. Rosalind, thanks for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I extend my welcome and hope that you do enjoy my pictures of trees in Kuantan over the course of this week!


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!


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