Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Keep Calm and Take a photo

I am a photographer. Taking photos makes me happy. Focusing on a subject and pressing the shutter button to capture that image is very satisfying for me. So I photograph as often as I can. And I share most of my photos right here on my blog. So go ahead and have a look around. Taking photos provides great memories, stimulates your creativity, and even can even earn you some money if you're good at it!

So Keep Calm and TAKE a photo!

Do you take photos? What do you take photos of? What camera do you own? Why do you take photos?


  1. Duncan, apt subject (as always) for poster theme. I take photos of travels and events, mainly to record. It is faster than taking note ... and for not having a photographic memory ;)

  2. I take photos because it makes me happy. I also do it for my blog. I have a Nikon D80.

  3. I love taking photos too but I often forget to take my camera or leave it in the car and then I try using my phone and it's not as good. I must start taking it out more :-)

  4. Since I've had my digital camera (which does lack some finesse but is better than my camera phone) I've taken many more pictures than ever. I use them for my blog but the beauty is I can delete the bad ones (out of focus, fingers in the way, tops of heads lopped off) and only keep the good ones.

  5. LOVE taking pictures! However, life has been busy lately so I haven't been taking as many as I'd like. Hopefully with summer coming I'll get back on track! Love your pics! Keep up the awesome work!

  6. Yes, I do take photos, and lots of them. My favourite subject is always my daughter (and now she's getting tired of having the camera pointed at her), events, nature, building - well almost anything that catches my interest. I do share them on my blog, FB (will start again come 1st May) and most of all, I take photos for the purpose of scrapbooking. So far I've been commissioned once to take photos during my daughter's Sports Day and that was the greatest moment of my life. I hope more to come. Very therapeutic and brings out the creativity in me. I own a Canon DLSR E600 and a Canon Powershot A580.

  7. Yes, I love taking photos, for me is to enter another world with a different language, is like dreaming ...


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!


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