Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Fungus Files - Part 4

This is the final installment of The Fungus Files. Part 4 contains more captured memories of these intriguing mushrooms. They do such a good yet unnoticed work in aiding nearby trees.

Hope you have enjoyed this series. Look out for mushrooms the next time you go walking . . .

This one looks so appealing, like a bun!


  1. Hey Duncan, have just come across your blog. I must say, Truffles aside, fungus has never looked soo good!
    You've got some fantastic photos and they've brought back a whole lot of memories!

  2. Your photography makes the fungi appear beautiful.

  3. The photos are beautiful, exquisite colors and framing, beautiful mushrooms. Greetings.

  4. Thanks so much Odie! Guess I saved the best for last!

    LinsFood, thanks so much for visiting my blog! Hope to see you again!

    Susan, thank you, those fungi look really appealing don't they?!

  5. I have only been able to load the first picture of each of the installment on the fungi series but they look great! I believe I have reached my allotted band-width and they have throttled the speed. I hate this thing about throttling. Malaysia has one of the most expensive charges/rates for internet access, considering the slow speed and less than stellar service we are saddled with and asked to be grateful for! What baloney.

  6. Great pictures babe! :D Keep up the good work!

  7. Thank you so much Leovi!

    ordinary malaysian, I'm sorry you've only been able to see the first picture in each part!

    Fidelia, thanks, you know I'll always keep snapping away! What should my next project be?


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!


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