
Saturday, March 30, 2013

A-Z April 2013 blogging challenge topics

Today I'll be sharing with you the topics for my A-Zs on 3 of my blogs. The ideas I came up with changed a few times but now they have all been set in stone.

I originally was thinking of some grand plan which would have required a lot of work, but eventually decided to keep it a little more simple this year, as opposed to the detailed and extremely hard work I put in last year.

For this blog, I'll be sharing one of the famous "Keep Calm" posters each day, going through each letter of the alphabet, along with a few motivational thoughts to accompany each one.

Over at our English blog I'll be taking readers on a journey through the English language and the joys and pains of teaching it in Malaysia. For these first 2 blogs, I'll be asking questions to hopefully stimulate some discussion from visitors.

Meanwhile, my Nature blog will be posting a fascinating image a day from around the world, which I searched for and snapped with my National Geographic Maps App on my new ipad. I am probably the most excited for this one!

Whether you are participating or not, I hope you'll enjoy going through my blogs this April, whether it be my fun 'Keep Calm' posters here, English tips and clarification at Horne Learning Services, or beautiful images of the world at Kuantan Nature.

It's going to be one busy April!


  1. I don't think I've visited your Nature blog so I shall pop over and have a look. I've now prepared up to R but will never catch up with your organised blogs!

  2. Looking forward to the photographs :-)

  3. You are ambitious Duncan. Happy A to Zing! My husband is looking forward to reading your Nature blog.

  4. Love the idea of those Keep Calm posters . I love them and there are so many out there. Good luck with the Challenge!

  5. Your a busy bee. Have a wonderful Sunday.

  6. I am blog hopping today checking out themes for the challenge, mine is Latin words. See you around the blogoshere. Good Luck and have fum:-)


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!