
Monday, November 26, 2012

Flying in the Kuantan skies

We often watch the aeroplanes flying by through the Kuantan skies. I figured they are coming from a north-west direction meaning they could be en route to KL or Singapore, probably from the Philippines, Hong Kong or China.

An aeroplane leaves a bright white trail as it flies over Kuantan skies


  1. how about kite-flying ? have you tried it ? it can be really fun with the kids.

  2. Cool composition, the white trail seems to have come out of the roof(?).

  3. It's fun watching the vapour trails if there are more than one plane.
    You will enjoy Skyfall Duncan, I was horrified to see that some parents had taken their children in with them, it's definitely not a film for children..

  4. I live near an airport, there's too many to count though they are smaller planes being a private airport.

  5. Very nice sky with a very original frame. Greetings.

  6. There's something nice about these white plane trails - lovely composition!

  7. I often wonder where people are heading when I see a plane go by.

  8. you are right, i often fly over Skies of Kuantan from HK, China, ans last week from Taiwan ! "flying cow", we were told some butterflies stood on the back of a cow gave the owners the inspiration for the name of the ranch they planned to open for tourist !

  9. you know what? when i was small, i thought it was a rocket or UFO. ehheheheh.... silly me!

  10. Good to hear from you, thanks for taking the time to comment!
    Lily, we have wild imaginations when we're small right?!


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