
Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Z" post - Zany Zebras ZigZag ZanZibar

A-Z April Blogging Challenge 2012. A 26-word paragraph, each word beginning with a letter of the alphabet, in alphabetical order, beginning with the assigned letter for the day. A video composed of a sentence where each word begins with the assigned letter of the day. This is *Our home called Kuantan* stretching the alphabet in April . . .

The final post of the A-Z April Blogging Challenge!

Zygomas aching badly concluding doing essay-like, frugally gorgeous handwriting including jargon keywords lightly. Making new overstretched phrases quickly, resting seasonally to undo very weighty xeric yapness.

Thanks to everyone who has stopped by during the month of April, as well as those who have been good enough to leave comments on my A-Z posts! They have been much appreciated! I hope you enjoyed the A-Z paragraphs and video alliteration sentences - I certainly had great fun composing them.


  1. You did it. A very interesting and challenging twist (for you) for the A-Z blog. Well done. It's been very entertaining. And well done Lauren for 26 different poses and facial expressions!

  2. frugally, gorgeous handwriting! I like that! Well Duncan, you've certainly finished the A - Z Challenge in style my friend. Well done! Everyone has tackled it a little bit differently, but I have loved it how you start with the actual letter of the day, and then continue with the other letters. I thought that was very clever, and, my goodness, it must have taken you quite some time to put the whole thing together. What are you going to blog about now?!

  3. Hi Mum, both Lauren and I had a great time making the posts and posing for the pictures! Thanks for following along!

    Diane, thank you for your interest in my A-Z and commenting regularly. It was time-consuming to prepare it all but I did a bit each day of March and by the middle of the month it was fully completed. I'm relieved it's over actually, and I will happily go back to blogging about Kuantan!

  4. Congratulations!!! This is my most favourite! Z is my new favourite letter thanks to you!! ;D

  5. That was an amazing finish to the challenge Duncan. A job well done.

  6. Congratulations for successfully completing the A-Z challenge, Duncan! Very unusual approach you took. Next year, we hope to see you write on different topics. Would be interesting to see you expound on different subjects and learn a thing or two from you. The words you tackled this year were really bombastic and many beyond my pale. The videos and the alliteration were fun! Once again, congrats!

  7. Forgot to say congratulations too to Lauren for being such a pretty assistant and model! Congrats, Lauren!

  8. trekking your blog!!! congratulations to all of you! what a challenge! **wink**


  9. Congrats on making it to the end! I really enjoyed this (and all) your A to Z posts. Take care! :)

  10. Great job this month! Loved your blog and enjoyed finding you. Can't wait to continue to follow along!

  11. Z end is here. Congrats on a well-run blog.
    - Maurice Mitchell
    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr
    @thegeektwins | @mauricem1972

  12. Well done! We've survived another A to Z. I must congratulate you on recording those tongue twisters without getting the giggles!

  13. Thanks for following along with my A-Z challenge, for the compliments and suggestions! Glad it's all over!

  14. I enjoyed the way you tackled the Challenge. A job well done.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

  15. Thanks Lee, I'm glad I finished it, it was more difficult this year.


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!