
Thursday, April 19, 2012

"P" post - Praising you people for your votes!

Just want to say thank you to those who voted for my blog after reading yesterday's post! If you haven't already done so, I invite you to hop over to this page where you can find my blog, You will be asked to sign in with your facebook account, and then just click 'vote' beside my blog.
I have nominated *Our home called Kuantan* at MITBCA (Malaysia International Tourism Bloggers Conference & Awards) as I'm aiming for this blog to become recognised as the top Kuantan travel and destination blog in Malaysia! I appreciate your help :)

A-Z April Blogging Challenge 2012. A 26-word paragraph, each word beginning with a letter of the alphabet, in alphabetical order, beginning with the assigned letter for the day. A video composed of a sentence where each word begins with the assigned letter of the day. This is *Our home called Kuantan* stretching the alphabet in April . . .

Peter's quatrayle really seemed to unburden very wealthy xenophobics. Yearly zaitech also became crucial during every fall. Going home in Jeeps kindly labelled me 'neat organizer.'

This is a really good video!


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!