
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kuantan roads - Part 3

Kuantan roads  - Part 3 takes us on a journey up and down the streets of Bukit Sekilau, Kuantan.

Today we focus on the roads which boast beautiful scenes of nature, my favourite places to go on a hot afternoon walk while the baby is sleeping!

These are some of my favourite images in the collection.

This lovely little plant rises against a grey sky, with the dome and minaret of the Bukit Sekilau mosque visible at the end of the road.

This orange flower soaks up the sun in Bukit Sekilau

Peering through a jungle of leaves and tropical flowers, the road is barely visible.

This half-eaten leaf provides the perfect windows to this road in Bukit Sekilau, Kuantan.

Which is your favourite picture?


  1. I love the orange flower so much!

  2. My favorite is the "peering through the jungle" one but all of them are great. First time I have seen insect damage on jungle type vegetation but I am sure it is the same everywhere.
    Really enjoyed the tour and look forward to more. Have a great rest of the week. We will way to busy with Thanksgiving tomorrow.

  3. I love the orange flower babe! That leave that got eaten looks eeee....

  4. Hi Duncan. Great photos as always, but my vote goes for the orange flower one! Hope you are all keeping well over there.

  5. I absolutely love the first one. The unique angles of the branches against the soft grey clouds just sets a great contrast.

    Ninja-ing my way through life

  6. Mum, Fie and Diane, the orange flower looks great by the roadside doesn't it? That probably gets my vote too!

    Odie, caterpillars sure love munching on the leaves! Have a great Thanksgiving!

    Traveling Hawk and Michelle, the grey sky really makes that first picture! Thanks for visiting!


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!