
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Taman Sahabat, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

Taman Sahabat is a beautiful garden area in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. It literally translates as "friendly garden" and was created to highlight the partnership between Malaysia and China.

The park shows a relationship between Kuching city and China's Kunming city. We went there at night time and it looked very inviting and was warmly illuminated. Here are some pictures:

These stone tablets depicting each of the states that make up Malaysia were very interesting and beautifully done:

This is a statue of Zheng He who lived in the 14th-15th centuries. Apparently he made many voyages, including to Malaysia.

Chinese-inspired structure


  1. Too bad we didn't walk all the way to the Chinese-inspired building. Lauren was too tired!

  2. The garden seems to be pleasant, and the symbols on the stone tablets are interesting. You did a good job, Duncan!

  3. Jättefina bilder som vanligt Intressanta.
    Vad är det för vackra vira blommor på den sista bilden?
    Ohhhh det är så vackert där nere.
    Ha en mysig kväll.

  4. Fidelia, there were many things we would have liked to do. Perhaps we'll do that on a future visit.

    Traveling Hawk, thank you, and I'd like to visit those gardens in the daytime too!

    Lotta, thanks for your visit. I don't know the name of those flowers, but they are everywhere here in Kuantan.


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