
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

We arrived in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia this afternoon after a 1 hour and 45 minutes flight.

We travelled with Air Asia from the Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT), the new terminal which carries all Air Asia flights. The flight was a first for Lauren and Leah, and our first for 5 years! Leah slept through the whole flight and Lauren handled it very well until the descent, when her ears started blocking!

Waiting for that airplane on the runway

Take-off from KL


Borneo appears below..

...and here is Kuching

Kuching is the capital city of the state of Sarawak, which lies on the island of Borneo. It's my wife's home town and she's so excited to be back!

My sister-in-law, Urai, has borrowed a Nikon from her friend, but it's stuck in zoom and we don't have the zoom lens. I think my Sony point-and-shoot will do a good job for the wedding pictures. Let's see if we can sort out the zoom on the Nikon.

Kuching has changed a lot in the last 5 years, which we noticed just on the journey from the airport to Batu Kawa, where my father-in-law stays. Looking forward to exploring Kuching and taking plenty of pictures!


  1. More great photography Duncan and be sure and tell your wife and daughter that they both have the loveliest smiles. I can't wait to see pictures of your wife's home town. Since being in Viet Nam for 19 mos. back in the late 60's I have always loved that part of the world.

  2. Happy Birthday Duncan! (I hope I've got that right!!). Those were superb shots from the aeroplane, with the clouds. I can imagine how excited Fidelia is to be back home again! I can remember when my daughters were young, they used to suffer quite a lot with their ears when the plane was landing - not nice! Have a lovely trip.

  3. Duncan ! You took some very good shots from the windows of the plane, especially the mushroom of clouds and snake river ....

  4. Fantastic pictures over here!!! especially the one with the caption ´beautiful!!´, love the length and the depth of the picture!! it´s like a path to heaven!!!

  5. Some stunning pictures from the air. Have a nice time in Cat City or Kuching as it is otherwise known. Best wishes too to your sis-in-law.

  6. Wooooowwwwwwwwwww.....
    Helt fantastiska bilder.
    Du är sanslöst duktig.
    Jag har suttit här länge nu och beundrat dina kanonbilder.
    Ha det riktigt gott och lycka till med fotograferandet av bröllpet.
    Jag kan bara tänka hur bra bilderna blir.
    Kramizzz på er alla fyra // Lotta

  7. Love the view on top of those clouds. Have a great time.

  8. Nice pictures from the air, Duncan! Have fun at the wedding!

  9. Odie, I'll be sure to let them know!

    Thanks Diane, my birthday is this Sunday. The descent is always the hardest part!

    Thanks Randy!

    Thanks Wong, I'm pleased they came out so well :)

    Elijah, thank you so much for coming over. I never thought of those clouds as a path to heaven, thanks for that!

    Thanks ordinary malaysian, I passed on those wishes to her.

    Rosalind and Traveling Hawk, thanks for your visits, we are having a lovely time!

    Lotta, thank you so much for your kind comments! I admire your photos too!


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