
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kuil Sri Mariamman hindu temple, Kuantan

There is a hindu temple in Kuantan opposite HTAA hospital. The Kuil Sri Mariamman temple sits on the junction of the highway to Gambang, on the edge of Kuantan main town. One sunny afternoon I decided to stop in for a quick visit, as it's one of the places in Kuantan I hadn't yet been to.

After taking these initial pictures I noticed a couple of pairs of shoes on the rack outside. Someone was there. I removed my sports shoes and placed them neatly on the middle shelf. When I entered through a small gap in the gate, everywhere was silent apart from the faint rippling of bells hanging around the temple, as they moved in the breeze. Birds flew around and lodged into corners of the ceiling. Surrounded by statues of hindu mythological creatures, I felt a little apprehensive about exploring further, but I overcame the feeling. There was no sign of anyone around. You only fear what you don't understand. I realised I'd done lots of research into hinduism, and I was basically standing in one of their holiest of places.

Replacing a trifle of anxiety with peace, I switched on the camera and began looking for interesting images and angles of the Kuil Sri Mariamman temple.

Moving from the main worship area, I began walking around the perimeter of the Kuil Sri Mariamman temple, within the walls. I noticed some accommodation at the rear of the temple affixed to the temple grounds, so I guessed some people would be in there. Soon, an Indian man came out and made his way through the front gate. I remarked to him how beautiful the temple was. Then he was gone.

While I was snapping away, the sun began to emerge slowly from behind a large white cloud. The sun's rays beamed forward in all directions. The following picture became my lasting impression of the Kuil Sri Mariamman temple:

There was no guide, no activity going on at the Kuil Sri Mariamman temple in Kuantan on that day. But for a photographer, our keen eye is the real guide and I managed to pick up some lovely images as I explored the temple.


  1. Beautiful and wonderful images. I like those sculptures on the facade. Precious collecting the beautifully frames every detail, both outside and inside the temple. Greetings.

  2. You certainly did create some stunning images of the temple. It is really quite incredible to a Western eye, but very beautiful. Thank you for showing us today.

  3. As always, these are great!!! I love how you photograph cultural relics and share these with your readers. This is a great place to come and learn!!

  4. Lovely pictures... never really been into a Hindu temple before. Always wonder what they look like inside. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great temple! I like that ceiling and lamp,and all the outside decorations.

  6. Absolutely incredible pictures, what a building.

  7. Wow, what an amazing building! Thanks for telling and showing !!
    You have really warm there now I see. Here on the swedish westcoast we have +15 for the moment, but hopfully rising temp!

  8. Thanks to all for taking the time to browse this temple and leave your kind remarks!

  9. Those are amazing shots Duncan! I enjoyed the tour! Thank you for sharing a part of the world that I am not able to see right now. I'm surprised that no one came to greet you.

  10. You are an incredible photographer! These photographs are out of this world!! I'm so glad you came over and commented on my blog so I'd get back here. I was here last week, I think. I'm going to bookmark your blog so I'll remember to stop by frequently. With my book just published, I've been boggled with promotion and haven't kept up with my followers the way I would like.

    What an awesome experience you and your wife mus be having (and your children will have) in such an exotic culture. Well, it looks exotic to me. I'm glad I get to experience it vicariously even this much through your eyes!

  11. Love the different colors of the temple.. Beautiful shots Duncan. Also, saw that you are watching the French Open. Hmm... Who could you be rooting for??

  12. Hi Duncan! Thanks for stopping by today. Love these photos! They remind me of a temple I went to in Hawaii. I love the sun rays coming out from the clouds. So beautiful!


  13. kneesandpaws, I'm surprised too!

    Ann, thanks for dropping by. You're right, we are enjoying our experience out here, it is very tropical and exotic. Glad you loved the pictures!

    Carolyne, I'm rooting for the man, Roger Federer!

    Melissa, thanks, I love photographing the sun and sunsets/sunrises etc...


Thank you for your thoughts, comments and opinions. I'll be responding soon! I will not be publishing anonymous comments so make sure you leave your name with your comment!