
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Flowery Shorts

Our long-lost package in the post eventually arrived at our fingertips a few days ago. The package was a pair of flowery shorts my dad had bought for Lauren and sent on the 3rd April, to match the ones Fie and I had bought for ourselves. I'm sure my dad will be much relieved to know they have finally reached their intended destination and that Lauren is wearing them with pride. Here are a few snaps of her on the day we opened the package:

This is my personal favourite

Just about had enough of looking into the camera

But we squeezed out one last smile from her!



  1. Dad is very pleased that they turned up (at last). She looks lovely in them, and just like her Dad before her. they'll fit her for a few years I dare say.

    Guess what Dad said when he saw Lauren sitting on the balcony railings? "Oooh I wish she wouldn't....." you can guess the rest.

  2. Dad is just concerned for her welfare! But she physically can't fit through the gaps in those railings..


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