
Friday, May 14, 2010

Ms. Veg Restaurant

We recently spent a Monday night struggling to decide which restaurant to eat at in and around East Coast Mall. A number of options were dismissed before we came across Ms. Veg restaurant on the Ground Floor of East Coast Mall.

Ms. Veg is a nice, well-presented restaurant where we were greeted by a Nepalese worker and were served throughout by a couple of Nepalese waiters.

We were presented with the menus where I mused over the drinks. The first category of drinks were the 'healthy' ones which had an equally healthy price!

The one thing about Ms. Veg we probably enjoyed the most, even before we had ordered our food, was this little device on our table:

A wireless pager! This ensured we didn't have to be throwing our hands up in the air and trying to attract the attention of busy waiters whenever we required assistance. All we had to do was simply press a button! There were three options on the pager:

The 'call' button was used when we were ready to order, the 'bill' button Lauren pressed when we had finished, but we never tried the 'water' button. Guess our ribena was satisfying enough!

I ordered a Chinese fried rice and Fidelia opted for a porridge - she is extremely fond of different types of porridge. (I still maintain that the Bangladeshi porridge our neighbour recently cooked for us is better than any other type I've tried in Malaysia). Lauren had french fries and mashed potato, although the potato sauce was distinctly off so we had to re-order that one. The fresh one arrived but we didn't manage to finish it due to the negative memory of the first one!

My Chinese style fried rice

Fidelia's porridge with salted egg (which was passed to me!)

So we enjoyed the food despite Lauren's milo ice being disappointingly flat insomuch that it didn't really taste like milo. Anyway, we had a good time, and here are some of the pictures we took whilst waiting for food to arrive and after eating:

Eagerly anticipating the arrival of the grub

So far so good for Lauren

I'm just happy to be trying out a different restaurant

Fie swills down her porridge with a dash of ribena

The three of us enjoy a few quiet moments as the final sips of our drinks aids the digestion process

Actually, one thing that I did find welcoming about this place was the fact that there were a few other people seated nearby us yet not one of them stared at us at all during our whole time dining there. That, my friends, was a first, and it was greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. Your post is really very amazing! Lucky me to get a chance to read this!
    Best Veg Restaurant in Abu Dhabi (أفضل مطعم نباتي في أبو ظبي)


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